
  • Kathleen Webb at Children First: Grant to attend conference and present research to Newman Community.
  • Fr. Adam Grelinger: Grant to fund a week-long Catholic leadership camp for highschoolers.
  • Will Mohr: Grant to supply a year of New Polity subscriptions for a new Catholic Academic Reading Group.
  • Sr. Therese Wetta: Grant to sponsor a college student who participated in the synod in Rome to present to the Newman Community and spend some time on campus.
  • Alan Oberley: Grant to sponsor a large scale youth conference and get young people on campus, in collaboration with the Diocese of Wichita.


  • Marguerite Regan: Grant request to fund 10 students for the Global Seal of Biliteracy test.
  • John Brungardt: Grant to support a course release for the 23-24 school year.
  • Sonja Bontrager: Grant to alleviate student travel costs to Guatemala to participate in a Study and Serve program.


  • Sr. Therese Wetta: Sacred Heart Hall 100th Year Celebration Research, grant to compensate a student for research assistance.
  • Newman Fall Institute: Grant to provide a speaker for the faculty and staff Fall Institute.
  • Campus Ministry and the Art Department: “Stations in the Street” art installation. Grant to cover installation expenses and sponsor a lunch event with the artist.
  • Mary Seat of Wisdom: Grant for MSW classical school.
  • Joshua Papsdorf: Grant for providing NSP “Food and Faith” class with tangible learning experiences.





  • Black Student Union (BSU): Grant to fund a traveling exhibit on Black Inventors as part of Black History Month.
  • Mark Mannette, on behalf of the theater department: Grant to fund a speaker for an Evening of Dante’s Inferno.  Additional grant to fund a speaker following the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.
  • Cheryl Golden, on behalf of the History Department: Grant to fund a reception for the History Department Speaker.
  • Travis Pearson, on behalf of the Wichita Catholic Diocese: Grant to sponsor the keynote speaker at the Red Mass.  Speaker also will participate in a lunch and learn on Newman’s Campus.
  • Sonja Bontrager, on behalf of the Guatemala Study and Serve: Grant to help subsidize the cost for students, offer aid to students in need, as well as a service portion of the trip.
  • Rosemary Niedens, on behalf of the T&T program: Grant to fund the cost of books, Laudato si, a field trip, and speaker presentation for the Freshman Read.


  • John McCormick, faculty: Grant to fund two buses to take ASC members, members of the Newman community as well as outside community members to go to the Beatification of Father Stanley Rother on Oklahoma City.
  • Marie O’Neal, student: Grant to attend a servant leadership training this summer and then to host a servant leadership training this fall at Newman.  To see Marie’s Proposal, click here.


  • Diana Stanley, student: Grant to present an academic paper on Catholic intellectual thought at the Sigma Tau Delta International English Honors Society Conference in March 2017 in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • Sister Charlotte, on behalf of the ad hoc Newman University Awards Planning Group: Grant to fund a special awards banquet, which would become a new tradition at Newman University.  This new event would replace the current Academic Honors and Awards Convocation.  The new event would be a special dinner for student awardees, plus top staff and faculty awardees.
  • Philip Sawatzky, Advanced Standing Instructor: Grant to create instructional materials for teaching unit on Fr. Stanley Rother for students at Kapaun, Bishop Carroll, and Trinity highschools.
  • Sonja Bontrager, on behalf of the Guatemala Study and Serve: Grant to help fund an additional faculty member to serve as a sponsor on the trip, offer aid to students in need, as well as a service portion of the trip.
  • Black Student Union: Grant to fund travel and food for a day trip to hear diversity speaker Angela Davis at Kansas State University.
  • Jets for Life: Grant to help subsidize the cost of the March for Life for Newman Students.